San Marino Official Blister 2017

San Marino Official Blister 2017 San Marino Official Blister 2017
Obverse of San Marino Official Blister 2017
Details In 2017 San Marino changed the national sides of the divisional coin sets after 15 years. The new coins represent famous works of art and monuments of the Republic such as the portrait of St. Marino, detail of a painting by G.B. Urbinelli (&eurol2.00), the Second Tower (&eurol1.00), the portrait of St. Marino, detail of a painting by E. Retrosi (&eurol0.50), the three Towers (&eurol0.20), the facade of the Church and of the Convent of St. Francis (&eurol0.10), the Church of the Capuchin friars (&eurol0.05), the City Gate (&eurol0.02) and the official coat of arms of the Republic (&eurol0.01).

Issue date: June 2017
Mintage 23,000 pieces
Issue price 26.00 euros

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