Future goals and past achievements
During the past few years Fleur-de-coin.com has been experiencing a steady growth and we would like to thank all our users
and customers for their help and continuous support. It is your efforts that have enabled this site to expand and improve
in terms of both content and functionality.
Year | Pageviews / day | Coin Collectors |
Goal | Actual | Goal | Actual |
2007 | 1000 | 717 | - | 240 | 243 |
2008 | 850 | 960 | + 33,89% | 260 | 243 |
2009 | 1200 | 1279 | + 33,23% | 300 | 320 |
2010 | 1500 | 1536 | + 20,09% | 350 | 360 |
2011 | 2000 | 1965 | + 27,93% | 350 | 397 |
2012 | 3000 | 2062 | + 4,94% | 400 | 418 |
2013 | 2600 | 1801 | - 12,65% | 400 | 450 |
2014 | 2000 | 3648 | + 102,54% | 470 | 879 |
2015 | 4000 | 3810 | + 4,44% | 800 | 805 |
2015 | 4200 | - | - | 750 | - |
The future ahead
Some of the new things scheduled for implementation.
- Allow users to login with Facebook and / or Google credentials
- Integrate Paypal payments, without redirecting our customers to Paypal's website
As always, you are invited to send us your own suggestions.